Monday, November 27, 2006

The saddest thing

There's nothing sadder than a person asking if they may have clinical depression in entirely the wrong place. You know when you tell them that they're asking this embarrasing thing to someone who can't tell them and doesn't know, they just feel worse. It's kind of like failing at suicide.

Terrible Idea For a Super-Villain

A meat packer who torments vegetarians by drawing faces on all the produce in America so that anyone who 'doesn't eat anything with a face' goes hungry.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Notes from the monologue I'm not writing

So its been a tough week for Republicans. Jack Abramoff went into the joint this week. The last of the Enron guys got sentenced this week. Fastow, Skilling, and Cunningham are already doing time and it's only a matter of time before DeLay dons his prison getup.

But the Republicans aren't worried. You see, Karl Rove has a new plan to get his party back in power. Allow felons to vote!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Just a plug for TRB

I looked all over for the song "Glad To Be Gay" by Tom Robinson's Band, or TRB. Those early TRB albums aren't available on iTunes or eMusic but if you go here you can listen to, download, and read the lyrics to the first two TRB records. If you like early political brit-punk, you really should check it out.

When I was a kid, I had one of the Best Of compilations that came out stateside and I absolutely fell in love with how poppy, political and pissed off those tunes were but my whole life I don't think I've ever actually run into anyone who'd ever heard of them or if they have they only know 2-4-6-8-motorway, their one "hit".

There was a time in High School when that tape and The Clash's Sandinista were about all I listened to. It would be a couple of years later that I would learn that this was the kind of music people were referring to when they talked about Punk Rock. it's kind of weird that I was hip enough to be listening to Punk (mostly due to my Dad's influence) and yet be so clueless that I didn't know that that was what I was listening to. I thought it was just... y'know... music. Same as everything else.

Just a plug for TRB

I looked all over for the song "Glad To Be Gay" by Tom Robinson's Band, or TRB. Those early TRB albums aren't available on iTunes or eMusic but if you go here you can listen to, download, and read the lyrics to the first two TRB records. If you like early political brit-punk, you really should check it out.

When I was a kid, I had one of the Best Of compilations that came out stateside and I absolutely fell in love with how poppy, political and pissed off those tunes were but my whole life I don't think I've ever actually run into anyone who'd ever heard of them or if they have they only know 2-4-6-8-motorway, their one "hit".

There was a time in High School when that tape and The Clash's Sandinista were about all I listened to. It would be a couple of years later that I would learn that this was the kind of music people were referring to when they talked about Punk Rock. it's kind of weird that I was hip enough to be listening to Punk (mostly due to my Dad's influence) and yet be so clueless that I didn't know that that was what I was listening to. I thought it was just... y'know... music. Same as everything else.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

A helpful hint for republicans

Don't think about abortion as being the murder of babies. Think of it as a pre-emptive form of capital punishment. That's like two of your favorite things all rolled up in one!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

New Rule (with apologies to Bill Mahr)

You can't chew gum and talk.

It's one thing to be caught having to answer the phone while you have gum in your mouth but if you are chewing away like you have four stomachs when you dial the phone to ask someone at work for help, you deserve to be force fed the stuff like a goose until you are one seriously bouncy corpse.

Many people today who answer phones for a living wear headsets and when you are chewing away like a dumb animal, you're doing it directly in their ear. It's disgusting. I'd rather have a farting waiter than have your slobbering slavering jaws chomping away at an amplified volume in my ear.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Finally some good news

Two agencies are investigating the White House's attempts to cover up scientific research. Read the article above.

For all you aging hipsters out there

Paul Krassner has a really nice tribute to Allen Ginsberg and the 50th anniversary of Howl
In fact, this is such a nice little entry, I'm going to repost this over at