Thursday, September 20, 2007

Choose Your Own Ad-Kvetch-Ure

Coming up on this weekend's show:

  • Poodles
  • Soap Box Opera
  • The Robot returns
  • My "Neighbors"
  • Don MacLean
  • Much much more!

Oh there's so much to rant about, which would you like: Jena 6, Jesse Jackson, Republican Scaredy-Cats, 9/11 workers getting screwed, Huffington Post missing the point completely, Republican candidates solidly cementing their reputation as bigotry?

Let me know which you'd like to hear ranted on, I could do a whole show on any of those topics... but such a show wouldn't be terribly entertaining I fear.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Innocence Lost (Redux)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I apologize if this program was too serious and too "issue" oriented.

I understand that I have a certain responsibility as an "entertainer" to amuse. Normally I won't try to take on an issue unless I can do it with some humor or at least brevity. This idea started out as a funny one where I'd point up the folly of the talking head who said Ramadan increased violence

Next week we'll be back with more madcap zaniness though. I've already got some things written.

Please though, check out Iraq Body Count See if it doesn't give you pause as well when you look in detail at the people as people instead of numbers.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Psst! Season one available here:

As I mentioned on Monday's show, if you go to the Black Tie Martini Club on Nowhereville in Second Life, you can listen to the fabled First Season of the Oddcast during the day. If you can't find the martini club on nowhereville... look for the giant pink elephant... it's under there.

If you can't get into Second Life, or can't get into it during the day, here's the site that streams the first season of the Black Tie Martini Club Oddcast during the day.

I can't have too many people on there at once so don't leave it on and walk away please but feel free to listen and catch up, if you need to.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Orange (redux)

  • Franks - Honestly, I don't know why this popped into my head. I guess I must've been listening to a version of, "I Wanna Be Around" and started singing other words. I actually bear no malice toward Mr. Bennett nor do I do a very good impersonation of him. C'est La'vie.
  • The Nowhereville deal - Here's the thing kiddies, I'm very excited to make these episodes available somewhere even if it only is in SL. so come on along. Of course if this becomes a popular destination, I'm going to hit you up for donations so that I can buy a cheap computer to use as a dedicated server for the old shows.
  • Tartaglia & Sons - A friend of mine is a home contractor. She was complaining about how a client owed her $1000.00. Personally, I haven't seen that much money at one time in a long long time so to not take that sum out of their hide, seems criminal to me
  • Ben Cohen - This obviously came from a real story about mold and depression... I was probably hungry too, huh? This was written and recorded at about 4 in the morning last week one morning when i was still up and had to be at work in a couple hours. I should drink (ie. 'sleep') more.
  • Happiness is a warm gun - ties into both a way to defeat the aforementioned depression and the following piece about guns. I love a segue!
  • Guns - Honestly, when I had the idea of doing this, I thought I would find something that I can firmly stand with the right wing on. I looked some of this stuff up once before and was swayed from believing that guns = crime and injury/death to believing that people with guns are safer... looking into it more closely now, I don't know what to believe other than politicians should either actually work to find answers to these questions or shut the hell up
  • SPAM Poetry - This was a real SPAM Poem. like most of you, I get many every day. For reasons I can't quite understand, some stand out with their own beauty. The 'Aerosmith' mistake was real. I just left it in because I hoped it would amuse you as much as me
  • ORANGE - Seriously, I listened to Petraus talk ALL WEEKEND when nobody actually knew what he was going to say. Couldn't we do with a little less Political Prognostication and focus on analysis of what has ACTUALLY HAPPENED?!? it's not like there was any shortage of interesting things happening in the news. But if you're still reading this, you probably already know my feelings on that.

Thursday, September 06, 2007


Coming up on this weekend's show:

  • Spam Poetry
  • Mold
  • Pizza Commercials
  • The Mob Helps Small Business
  • much much more?
So it's been a little while since I've done even a mini rant but I was listening to some old Abbott & Costello programs (as if there are new ones?) and the talk about all the rationing in WWII got me thinking.

The president has made it clear that the best way we can support the war is by not questioning and by not sacrificing. Heck this is the first war in history where taxes were lowered to fight a war, of course if we could say the same for the debt, we'd be all set. And the reason they haven't asked us to sacrifice is that they feel like we're so petulant that we wouldn't support the war at all if it interfered with our way of life.

I think they might have that backwards. Sure we'd all complain about gas rationing or meat rationing, or tax increases on top of rubber or metal drives to support the war effort but we'd feel connected too. Right now the majority of us that don't know anyone personally in the service don't have the kind of connection, the kind of personal investment that our grandparents and great grandparents did in WWII.

You might argue that this war isn't like WWII, we're not fighting against any kind of Hitler there's no super army trying to reinvent the whole map but many Americans felt that Hitler was of no concern to us anyway. He was Europe's problem not ours. But once our boys were over there fighting, we changed our tune 100%

Maybe we were just more into 'supporting the troops' then but I don't think so. When is the last time you heard anyone left or right say that they didn't support the troops. True, some think support means helping them to win while others think that support means getting them out of harms way but nobody is against the troops. I think it's that we all felt a vested interest. If we were going to have to sacrifice anyway, we damned well were going to win. That's what America does.

Now, I'm not for this war. I'd be pissed off if I had to ration or give up anything for it but I think if I felt connected to it on a more personal level I might be more likely to support it.

Then again... maybe nobody was for this war enough to sacrifice personally whereas they were when it came to Hitler. I guess we'll never know.