Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Prodigal Son Has Returned

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I apologize for my recent absence from both the blog and the podcast but sometimes real life gets in the way of the creative life. I won't bore you with the details but you can always scour the internet for my other personal blog where the details are there in agonizing blow by blow action.

Anyway, spring has sprung and I'm all backed up on material. As I have mentioned a time or two in the past I am like a manic depressive but with weather. The sunnier and warmer it is, the more ideas and energy I have and of course the flipside is that through the long, cold winter I struggled like hell to come up with anything for the shows.

This weekends show will primarily feature brilliant ideas, as I've had a lot of them recently. It will also feature some edible underwear and probably a story or two so be sure to dig on that.

And now there's a little bit of business to take care of. Would you please go into the iTunes music store and review the show? It doesn't have to be a good review but it'd be very gratifying to me personally to know that someone cares enough to say something.

Lastly, I'm running out of space on the server so I'm going to have to begin archiving old shows soon. So if you want to download them for posterity, bootleg them on the internet or turn people on to the show from it's inception, now is the time.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I have seen the future and brother it is murder

Coming up on this weeks show:
  • A command performance of "Smoke Smoke Smoke (That Cigarette)"
  • For Them By Them
  • Some Terrible Puns (I Think)

I just want to take credit here for being a soothsayer. I'm assuming that if you're reading this you listen to the program. Did I not hit the nail on the Gays In The Military head just a day before General Peter Pace starting up the Military V. Gay debate all over again?

Speaking of that, am I the only one who is so paranoid as to think that this was done on purpose? It seems to me like the fallout from Pace's comments have all but pushed the Walter Reed Scandal, The FBI Lying About Investigation Scandal, and the Libby Scandal. Thank goodness that the Attorney General Scandal still has staying power against something as distracting as our institutional hatred of homosexuality.

But that's not all I want to take credit for being a soothsayer about. Back when all those Christian Pharmacists were in the news for denying women their Emergency Contraception and they were claiming that firing them for not doing their job was religious persecution, I blogged in my LiveJournal (aka personal) blog about the logical extension of that being Muslims and Jews refusing to ring up bacon at your supermarket. Everybody laughed but then a year or so later, it's come true.

And this seems to be drawing more ire than pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions, which boggles my mind.

Of course now that I know I have this awesome power of divination, I'm officially predicting that in the next week I'll be seduced by no fewer than three buxom redheads, (dyed or natural I'm not too picky) and that someone will come along who wants to pay me for being amusing so I can quit my day job.

We'll see how that works out I guess. I smell a streak being broken.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Another Week Another Republican Conviction

Coming up on this week's show:
  • Private Security Firms Recruiting Strangely
  • Mike Ness Goes Lounge
  • God Makes You Violent
  • God Makes You Scared of Violence
  • Much Much More?

I was thinking about the Anti-Abortion people and how they're defeating their own purpose. If they let all the people who don't share their views, not pass those values down to their offspring by allowing them to not have offspring, while they breed like christian rabbits, eventually abortion will become a moot point.

Which reminded me of Eugenics in general and a strange fact about the Bush family. Our President's grandfather, Prescott Bush, was one of the key proponents of Planned Parenthood back in its early days. Why? Was Prescott Bush a social progressive? No. He wanted to make sure that lower classes and minorities didn't breed. He supported reproductive health in exactly the way his grandson doesn't just because he believed in Eugenics.

Politics makes strange bedfellows, eh?