Coming up on this weekend's show:
Nothing. There isn't going to be a show this weekend but join us next weekend for another exciting adventure of the Black Tie Martini Club!
When third party candidates like Bob Barr or Ralph Nader complain about why they aren't more popular, they sound like Republicans. Primarily, they blame THE MEDIA. It's the media's fault that more people don't know who they are, it's the media's fault that they don't poll well enough to be allowed into the debates, it's the medias fault that they don't get as many supporters sending contributions.
Like traditional politicians, they never put any of that blame on themselves or on their organizations.
I'm not saying I'm against third parties, I'm actually very warm to the idea of breaking the stranglehold of a closed two party system. But most of the independent parties we have and the politicians who run for office from them aren't really ready for prime time. They especially aren't ready for the presidency. I'm sorry but some of these parties are little more than vanity caucuses for wannabe politicians. That doesn't mean they don't have some good ideas but you know what? we all have SOME good ideas. That doesn't mean we deserve special help to become president.
Both Bob Barr and Ralph Nader think they should have been in the presidential debates. They think the system is against them because they only allow people with 15% of the polls in their favor to debate. What I don't hear them addressing in their complaint is where the line should be drawn. Since neither are on the ballot in all 50 states, should Stephen Colbert be allowed to debate? Should I?
I don't think the system is really anywhere near as slanted against independents as most of these independents claim. Sure, the process of getting on the ballot can vary widely by state and some are tougher for independents. And yes, the media doesn't just cover anybody off the street because that person would like them to. I keep offering myself to the late night talk shows and I can't even get the TRL guy to return my calls.
But there really has never been a better time to be an independent politician or party. In the last couple years Barack Obama has shown that the right candidate can succeed with the right charisma, organizational skills, and some good old fashioned chutzpah. I know Obama is a democrat and not technically a third party candidate but how much help was his party giving him in the pre-pimary season which began two years ago? Do you remember how it was a done deal? Clinton had the money, the organization, the party support and was going to win it all because she could kick anybody's ass on either side of the aisle. Only she didn't.
With the internet, social networking, massive small donation, and excellent ground work, Obama went from being slightly more likely than Kucinich to win but less likely than Gravel to a tough party fight to being the likely next president of these united states.
The tools he used, are ones that anybody could use. Sure, he had some help from his party along the way but Ralph Nader had much more "celebrity" back in 2006. Which really had an advantage with the 'system'?
Quite honestly, I think the old model of the independents, to win smaller local and state offices and work your way up in party strength is still a good strong idea. And I think that with the right candidate, a third party candidate could win in this era of smaller independent media. But they aren't going to do it by blaming the media.
And as a side note to the Libertarians. Most reasonable people agree with most of your ideology. The part where we get a little nervous is when you start talking about privatizing EVERYTHING. There are a lot of us who would like to pay less in taxes and who would also like the federal govt. to leave us alone but we really don't want to give up on schools or medicaid or all that other big government stuff. You have one way of really convincing us though: take something and start doing it on your own. Start a number of free, privately funded, good quality schools. Create your own privately funded FEMA. Work together and solve one of these issues we pawn off on govt. that your ideology claims should be privatized. Then we'll believe you. You'd be unstoppable. And you'd get more media coverage than those other third party guys and gals.