First of all, sorry about the lack of bloggage lately but A. my internet has been spotty, B. I've been busy, and of course C. I'm not sure anyone's actually reading this.
I'm not sure exactly how well this one worked, I'll be honest. I like the idea of pantomiming the completely intangible but I think it may have run a little too long. Good idea, perhaps not the best execution.
This is written and performed by Freereed Freenote who is my second life neighbor. She currently has a little podcast where she reads her stories and you can find that here: She also wrote this next piece
- The Artist's Kaddish for Marcel Marceau Mangel
She actually has a whole gallery set up in Second Life dedicated to the memory of M. Mangel who has touched her life quite deeply.
This comes from two things: Some people I saw stereotyping themselves in such a way as to make Bill Cosby fly into a murderous rage and Romney, Rudy, McCain, and that other guy ignoring the debate on matters of race because they had "scheduling conflicts"
I was reading this article,0,2760679.story and it struck me as a perfect halloween tale of terror. Well... it would be perfect if it weren't true. Notice though that no actual explanation was ever given as to who was following her and there were never any charges filed so it's possible that Flynn is making this up.
Tom of Footnote suggested doing a parody of the Doobies about the latest Blackwater news. Seriously, the provisional Govt. said, "get out" but the U.S. said, "nope we need them". If the Iraqi government had insisted and we stayed we would've absolutely been seen as colonial occupiers so the Iraqis said, "Okay okay, you can stay".
The Cheney clip is from a recently YouTubed video from 94. It's nothing Cheney hasn't said before and the actual clip is 4 minutes long but I didn't edit out any context or anything. Mind you, I'm not saying with 100% certainty that our involvement in Iraq and Mr. Cheney's change of heart (so to speak) is because former companies of his and many of his pals and cronies are profiting monetarily from our continued presence 'in country'. I'm just saying it's a plausible explanation and there aren't many of those to go around.
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