- I woke up one morning and the machine was dead so I futzed and futzed and got it functioning again and went to work
- When I got home, the machine wouldn't power up at all
- Thinking it was the physical on/off button I pulled the wires and tried hotwiring it to start (kids don't try this at home it doesn't work)
- Thinking it was the Power Supply I ordered a new power supply and case
- After moving everything into the new case, it still wouldn't power up. I realized that the CMOS jumper had fallen off, once replaced, it started right up but windows wouldn't load
- So I bought a new copy of XP because I don't have the disc anymore from the previous install
- XP can't install I get and unexpected error so I call Microsoft
- Microsoft thinks it's the disc so I exchange the disc for another and get the same error
- I think maybe it's my disc drive because I am getting my unexpected error in that drive so I borrow a CD ROM and try again but still get the same error.
- A fan, one of you, loans me money to buy a new computer because they can so I order a sweet new computer from Gateway
- I stay home from work to get it on the day it is to arrive but they UPS guy delivers it to my workplace without telling me.
- The next day I get it home from work, which is fun on a bus, plug it in and it doesn't quite work right
- The drivers are all screwy so I call Gateway
- Gateway has me reinstall from the backup disc but that does nothing but take away all the fancy OEM software it came with
- I download the drivers it's supposed to be missing from work and load them onto the machine including the updated BIOS drivers... which kills the machine dead
- Apparently my computer had the wrong motherboard for the style computer it was
- I carry the computer back to work and from here I will mail it back to Gateway and they will mail me another computer or one that is actually fixed a process which should take about two more weeks from the time of this writing.
That's the story so far i guess I can start writing the bits out that have expired here too as they become less than topical.
For example, I was going to do a parody of Ellen DeGeneres' Dog Adoption Breakdown where I freak out about an issue with my Adopt-A-Highway stretch of road going wrong but the time for that has long past.
Again, I'm very sorry to be in forced hiatus for what looks like is going to be at least a month, I miss you all and my silly little show very much. Thanks for all the kind messages. It'll be back... eventually.
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