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There are approximately 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States right now most of whom are working and productive non-citizens. There are also approximately 15 million legal citizens out of work right now.
Some people want to get rid of all the illegal immigrants thinking that then we'd only have 3 million people out of work. But you'll never catch them and that's punishing people who have done everything they could to get here and work hard.
Why don't we just get rid of the unemployed instead? These people aren't putting out nearly the effort that the illegal immigrants have. I mean there are whole economies built on screwing people who want to come up through Mexico to the border and across. If you can make it through that kind of hardship, you're exactly who we want as citizens. Meanwhile we have this equal number of natural born citizens who can't even beat illegal immigrants out of jobs.
You can't just ship them to Mexico though, that just fucks with the Mexican economy and encourages more of them to come over the border. What we need to do is drop off our homeless into the countries who are beating us economically. We need to unload some of our riffraff on Ireland, Germany, Japan and the like to bring them down to our level. And you know our unemployed are a lot easier to catch than the illegal immigrants, we're fatter and lazier by a long shot.
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