- Hey Ladies - Beastie Boys
- She's a Lady - Patricia Barber
- I am Nothing - Nellie McKay
- Enhancitrol: It just struck me that 'intimacy' problems, especially in older people might be more hindered than helped by more sex.
- Intro: I know the harmonies didn't match the Isaac Hayes. What can you do?
- Katy's Blog: It struck me when laurence Simon www.isfullofcrap.com got hit by a motorcycle that it would be amusing if he had had something on the website www.death.isfullofcrap.com and then I thought of what could be there? The rest was just that concept's logical conclusion. Initially I was going to have a female actually record the parts but the person I recruited flaked. Hence the bad female impersonation on my part
- Helen Keller's Helpful Hints: I don't remember why this struck me as such a horribly funny idea.
- CGI The Movie: Came from watching trailers for that 10,000 years BC. which I thought was a Ringo Starr movie but what do I know? I hate when it looks like a movie is all CGI. Never saw 300 because of it, don't like the Lord of the Rings movies because of it. Maybe I'm just an old crank. I like movies to have people in them not computer graphics.
- Perilous Times: I like looking at biblical verse because it's so weird. This is a real biblical verse and obviously when I saw Perilous Times, it seemed like a newspaper to me.
- Vote Mars: This is the start of what I hope will be my crowning acheivement of a running gag
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