Wednesday, April 22, 2009

thoughts on the torture controversy

I'm making an official prediction here. Let's see how it really pans out.

Very little will be done about torture until closer to the 2010 elections. That's not a weasel word, I don't mean closer like tomorrow would be closer than today, I mean when races heat up, Holder will move on this.

We won't find out much new about the investigation till the 2012 elections are coming up, again I mean once the GOP have drafted their candidate.

There might be some flak fired at underlings but mostly they will try to roll the investigation up to the top.

President Bush will claim he didn't realize all what was going on and the people at large will believe him. He will walk.

Cheney will get thrown under the bus as the torture scapegoat but will have yet another of his many cardiac incidents and will die of natural causes before he's brought to trial much less convicted.

Nobody important will do time. Nobody will feel things were set right from the whole thing. The best we can really hope for is that it will provide political fodder to force the GOP to run as the party of torture or as Christian Democrats for a couple elections.

Feel free to come back and heckle me if my cynicism proves incorrect.

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