Monday, November 27, 2006

The saddest thing

There's nothing sadder than a person asking if they may have clinical depression in entirely the wrong place. You know when you tell them that they're asking this embarrasing thing to someone who can't tell them and doesn't know, they just feel worse. It's kind of like failing at suicide.


Anonymous said...

Ahem, am I suffering from clinical depression?

Caleb Bullen said...

You? Of course not. Remember, I answer people's questions to a health system all day though I am not in any way a clinician.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh, I believe you. If I can laugh at my cat farting in my face in the middle of the night I'm not depressed, I may be insane though. But not depressed.