Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Cycle of...

So I've been in a real autumnal funk this season. My creative output has been low and I've been cranky and really dissatisfied by the whole podcasting and blogging thing.

But then I got an iPod and while looking for random videocasts I came across Lynch Land, Liam Lynch's very strange little video show that combines geek and stoner humor with amazing animation and video effects. You can find him on iTunes or at

I am now fully enthused about my goofy little online presence again. Sure, I'll never be another Liam Lynch but none the less, that anyone else is putting out that kind of weirdness, gives me great encouragement. I've gone through my notebooks full of ideas that I couldn't get hammered into shape for the show and now think much of it will be on upcoming Black Tie Martini Club oddcasts.

It feels good to have that oomph back in my creativity and I hope to be entertaining you more soon. In the meantime, I still love any suggestions/requests and I do think that the Halloween Show though essentially a best of, is quite entertaining and the best I've done in a few weeks at least.

good night everybody.

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