Thursday, July 17, 2008

chocolate Sundae hold the nuts?

Coming up on this weekend's show
-The Swearing Nun
-J. P. Slutterpants
-PB Returns

Much much more?

The day before the Jesse Jackson Nut Cutting Kerfluffle came out I had this sinister thought. If Fox News really wants to help McCain out, they'll have Jackson, Sharpton and Wright on their shows talking crap all the time till the campaign.

None of those guys SEEM to ever shy away from a camera no matter what the situation. They're especially hated and feared by racists who feel that all black men are like this or worse and what do those bigots like to watch? Fox News if you believe statistics.

Of course that was before they sunk even lower to reveal Jackson's off air comments. So obviously he won't be willing to go back on. And anybody else will be extremely guarded.

Sure, it was fun. Got the liberals to defend Jackson and speak out against eavesdropping in "journalism" and of course delighted the right wingers who got to see Jackson make an ass of himself.

Now I'm not a fan of Jackson at all. He appears to be more or less an extortionist. Also, I AM a big fan of Obama. None the less, Fox really missed the chance of a lifetime. If they kept having offensive negroes on it would help their cause and allow them to pretend to be more FAIR AND BALANCED.

I guess I'm glad they didn't have my terrible idea. But it would've been even more crazy political theatre. If you're here for the jokes. Fox never disappoints.

Monday, July 14, 2008

True Crime (recap)

Heard on this week's show:
Criminal - Fiona Apple

I know. The show is way too polemical. I struggled with that. I think the idea could've been better executed if it had more jokes and less information. But at least there's Spider Shark at the end huh?

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Interview With A...

Heard on this week's show:
  • Out in the Street - The Who
  • Waiting for Superman - The Flaming Lips

Acting in this week's show:
  • Martin Jansen of
  • Daphne Abernathy of
  • Anima Zabaleta of
  • PB Recreant of
  • Justin Lowmaster of
  • Keltin Alexander of
  • Laurence Simon of
  • Special mention to guy david of
And now the recap:

Dating on Demand: Martin sent this file to me and so I had to come up with some kind of a wraparound for it.

Intro: I apologize to the ghost of Meridith Wilson for that one. I was hoping to get more and stranger examples for what I might "make" people say. Still the two I got were pretty weird.

Interview with PB Recreant: I just thought the race needed a third party to shake things up a bit. PB was on vacation and recorded his part from a hotel lobby with a laptop mic. Hence the curious audio quality. I'm also sending this in as my audition tape for Meet The Press

Man on the Street Interviews: I used a cheap old handheld mic for this and covered my desk with a pint of cappuccino putting it away. Daphne does a fantastic job here of spitting out my exceedingly verbose and faux economist verbiage. Justin sounds a bit like he's calling in from PB's submarine. Of course on any discussion of Gun Control I feel obliged to point out the very basic fact that we don't know jack squat if having more or less gun restriction raises or lowers violent crime. There are way too many factors involved and way too little real research into it. You can find a ton of statistics proving either side but neither will accept the other sides findings. Personally, I think that if you aren't sure, you ought to just go with more freedom but I'm weird that way.

Superheros - This is an amalgam of a bunch of ideas I've had floating around some for a very long time. Sgt. Amazing was originally an idea to explore PR and belief but it turned into another tale of sexism. Sometimes characters just run off in their own direction. The addict as superhero has been explored many times before. I'm always amazed in superhero stories how the hero will do billions of dollars of damage in a final battle with a villain who wants millions of dollars. It would be cheaper to just let them win. Remember when Mighty Mouse got taken off the air for snorting flowers? Norman Zip came from my seeing some superhero thing and wondering why there aren't more mutants doing non superhero jobs in these superhero worlds. As usual Laurence gets the funniest joke in the whole show.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Blogging will be light today

Coming up on this weekend's show (which might be a little bit late)

much much more?

I'm trying to do a blog posting here every week but quite honestly, I'm finding I have less and less to say each week. once upon a time I used to blog daily and for a while even had two blogs going but nowadays most everything I need to say, I can do so on the show in a way that's (hopefully) more entertaining than here. I suppose in a way that's a good thing because I'm focusing a lot more of my creativity on the show but it does leave me with the problem of finding something to say in this space along with the warning of what's coming up. In this case, I did it by not doing it. Lord knows what I'll come up with next week.

By the way I totally stole the title of this from my blogcasting hero, Laurence Simon. If you want something interesting to read, check him out instead.

Banana! (recap)

Songs heard on this episode:
Lunar Walk - The Johnny Hawksworth Orchestra
Psychedelic Samba - Shawn Lee's Ping Pong Orchestra
Monkey Man - The Rolling Stones

Featured in the cast were

Guy David -
Radar Masukami -
Daphne Abernathy -
Ian M. Ralph -
Scott Monty -
Anima Zabaleta
Laurence Simon -

I'm sorry I didn't mention Guy in the credits of the show. I'm just a moron.

And now your recap:

Intro - The Guy David intro is a parody of his own self parodizing intro to his own show.
Martian bananas - Bananas are the worlds number one eaten fruit because they're cheap and chock full of sustenance. Lately, like all the worlds poor, I've been eating a lot more of them too.

Cleveland Steamer - This literally came to me in a dream. I had this image of a woman in an arctic fox fur coat and hat shoveling money into the furnace of a steam engine limousine. By the way, it's really hard to find podcasting nerds who can sound like a real stoner. Apparently there's less overlap between the two groups than you might think.

The Podcaster - ripping myself off from The case of the Flight of the Bumblebees.

Entering Blakslee Publishing - The former bad receptionist has taken a slight leave from podcasting I thought it would be funny if her partner made note of that. The sound effect of the running elevator should've been louder. Oops!

Meeting Razzap Snookums - I don't know why I like to fill the Razzap Snookums episodes with random Jr. High science. Maybe some day he can have his own Mr. Wizzard like spinoff?

The Banana Brothers - Scott Monty really did a great job of pulling off a triple part. I needed one person to do all three roles because as clones they all needed to have a similar enough voice to be clones but different enough to not be confusing. How they opened the door if they don't have any feet or hands... I don't know.

Razzap Showdown - I know, this is essentially the same ending as the last two but uh... I'm consistent to the format? Also the number of crimes committed by detectives in virtually all mystery or detective adventures is astounding.

Coda: I thought one terribly obvious banana joke would be appealing... get it a PEEL ing? *ahem* Also I like to keep the character of Razzap Snookums right on the fence between sinister villain and mostly honest businessman subject to anti martian planetism.