- Out in the Street - The Who
- Waiting for Superman - The Flaming Lips
Acting in this week's show:
- Martin Jansen of kaputtradio.libsyn.com
- Daphne Abernathy of daphneabernathy.com
- Anima Zabaleta of nothing.net
- PB Recreant of netrootsnation.org
- Justin Lowmaster of thebeandom.com
- Keltin Alexander of sphereofshadows.com
- Laurence Simon of podcasting.isfullofcrap.com
- Special mention to guy david of guydavid.com
Dating on Demand: Martin sent this file to me and so I had to come up with some kind of a wraparound for it.
Intro: I apologize to the ghost of Meridith Wilson for that one. I was hoping to get more and stranger examples for what I might "make" people say. Still the two I got were pretty weird.
Interview with PB Recreant: I just thought the race needed a third party to shake things up a bit. PB was on vacation and recorded his part from a hotel lobby with a laptop mic. Hence the curious audio quality. I'm also sending this in as my audition tape for Meet The Press
Man on the Street Interviews: I used a cheap old handheld mic for this and covered my desk with a pint of cappuccino putting it away. Daphne does a fantastic job here of spitting out my exceedingly verbose and faux economist verbiage. Justin sounds a bit like he's calling in from PB's submarine. Of course on any discussion of Gun Control I feel obliged to point out the very basic fact that we don't know jack squat if having more or less gun restriction raises or lowers violent crime. There are way too many factors involved and way too little real research into it. You can find a ton of statistics proving either side but neither will accept the other sides findings. Personally, I think that if you aren't sure, you ought to just go with more freedom but I'm weird that way.
Superheros - This is an amalgam of a bunch of ideas I've had floating around some for a very long time. Sgt. Amazing was originally an idea to explore PR and belief but it turned into another tale of sexism. Sometimes characters just run off in their own direction. The addict as superhero has been explored many times before. I'm always amazed in superhero stories how the hero will do billions of dollars of damage in a final battle with a villain who wants millions of dollars. It would be cheaper to just let them win. Remember when Mighty Mouse got taken off the air for snorting flowers? Norman Zip came from my seeing some superhero thing and wondering why there aren't more mutants doing non superhero jobs in these superhero worlds. As usual Laurence gets the funniest joke in the whole show.
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