Saturday, July 05, 2008

Blogging will be light today

Coming up on this weekend's show (which might be a little bit late)

much much more?

I'm trying to do a blog posting here every week but quite honestly, I'm finding I have less and less to say each week. once upon a time I used to blog daily and for a while even had two blogs going but nowadays most everything I need to say, I can do so on the show in a way that's (hopefully) more entertaining than here. I suppose in a way that's a good thing because I'm focusing a lot more of my creativity on the show but it does leave me with the problem of finding something to say in this space along with the warning of what's coming up. In this case, I did it by not doing it. Lord knows what I'll come up with next week.

By the way I totally stole the title of this from my blogcasting hero, Laurence Simon. If you want something interesting to read, check him out instead.

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