Thursday, July 17, 2008

chocolate Sundae hold the nuts?

Coming up on this weekend's show
-The Swearing Nun
-J. P. Slutterpants
-PB Returns

Much much more?

The day before the Jesse Jackson Nut Cutting Kerfluffle came out I had this sinister thought. If Fox News really wants to help McCain out, they'll have Jackson, Sharpton and Wright on their shows talking crap all the time till the campaign.

None of those guys SEEM to ever shy away from a camera no matter what the situation. They're especially hated and feared by racists who feel that all black men are like this or worse and what do those bigots like to watch? Fox News if you believe statistics.

Of course that was before they sunk even lower to reveal Jackson's off air comments. So obviously he won't be willing to go back on. And anybody else will be extremely guarded.

Sure, it was fun. Got the liberals to defend Jackson and speak out against eavesdropping in "journalism" and of course delighted the right wingers who got to see Jackson make an ass of himself.

Now I'm not a fan of Jackson at all. He appears to be more or less an extortionist. Also, I AM a big fan of Obama. None the less, Fox really missed the chance of a lifetime. If they kept having offensive negroes on it would help their cause and allow them to pretend to be more FAIR AND BALANCED.

I guess I'm glad they didn't have my terrible idea. But it would've been even more crazy political theatre. If you're here for the jokes. Fox never disappoints.

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