Friday, July 24, 2009

Open Letter to Senator George Voinovich

Dear Senator Voinovich,

I, like many, am very concerned about the true identity of own of this nation's most powerful elected officials.

I speak of course of John Boehner. Why won't he show his birth certificate? How do we know that the minority leader in the House is an American Citizen? Are we supposed to merely take his word, the word of a foreigner about this?

We need to take America back from these insidious interlopers. Please introduce legislation making it a requirement that all members of congress prove their American citizenship as a requirement to hold office.

Come to think of it, sir, have we seen your Birth Certificate? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, no?

Thank you,
Rev. Caleb Bullen

You should write your legislators too about this. Seriously, have you seen John Boehner? He doesn't look like he's even from this planet much less America.