Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Welcome to 007 and the difference between experimental film and porn.

Welcome to the new year everybody!

I'm going to try like hell to post more regularly here. I also post fairly often on LiveJournal under the name calebbullen and I guess more people read me there but I'm going to attempt to put forth every Wednesday a preview of the show to come and some little essay of some kind here.

Coming up on the next show (to be posted over the weekend)
  • Nazis Vs. Gays
  • Ben Cohen with another Zen Koan
  • A few 100 word stories/songs
  • Taxes
  • TV
  • and who knows what else
As for the essay portion of this post, I have nothing to say. Sorry.

I haven't been feeling well and the things I do want to say are too sprawling and I'm too sleep deprived to make any of it make sense but uh... Hey! How about that Gerald Ford huh? The guy was never elected to an executive office and they still shut down the post office. Crazy.

Also, the porno film Party Dolls A Go-Go may be the greatest shot on video feature ever made. Not just the greatest porno ever made but the greatest feature. I recently saw Salvador Dali and Louis Bunuel's surrealist masterpiece Un Chien Andalou and I can honestly say, it had nothing on Party Dolls A Go-Go as far as surrealism. They made use of music in a similar way and were both made to be surreal and to challenge the viewer's perception of what the medium is supposed to be but the Spanish Surrealism was focused on violence and the ugly while the porno was focused on fun and beauty. Honestly the difference between the two is almost like the difference between a depressed person and a happy person telling you about the same event. Another key difference is you'd be really hard pressed to masturbate to the Dali film. It's way too short.

Huh, turns out I had a little bit to say after all.

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