Thursday, September 28, 2006

Brilliant Idea

They should pipe the sounds of water falling into bathrooms. Loudly.

Not only will it help anyone with a shy bladder but it also might drown out some of the less pleasing sounds that might eminate from fellow excretors. Also if it's loud enough, it'll also discourage people from talking.

Talking on cell phones in the stalls is just surreal because you're standing at the urinal taking a piss and someone speaks up with a, "Hi!" or, "How are you?" and always leaves me looking around like the stooge in a silent comedy.

And then the worst are the people who want to chat you up while you're pissing. This is the only time I catch myself regretting free speech. Drown them out with the sounds of water. Waterfalls, raging rivers, storms anything.

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