Friday, October 06, 2006

Freedom of Speech has it's limits

I know I've got a real hard on for the 1st Amendment. I think you should be able to legally yell, "fire" in a crowded theatre. I think that it should be legal for them to show porn on sesame street while screaming horrible offensive profanities.

But even I have to draw the line sometimes. Anyone who uses the phrase, "fur kids" to refer to their pets and anyone who refers to themselves as, "mommy" or "daddy" to their pets, needs to be taken back to the factory for re-programming.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Caleb, calling myself mommy to my cats doesn't cause a crushing panic. I'd like to yell fire in a crowded theater, just to get all the cell phone yapping unwashed to leave. The problem with this is everyone would panic and crush everyone else trying to get to the doors and then I'd be stuck in the theater until they could clear the bodies. That would truly suck.

Caleb Bullen said...

Except I don't think that would happen. I think if someone were to yell, "Fire" in a crowded theatre that someone nearby would yell, "Shut up!" long before anyone panicked or got crushed.