Thursday, March 08, 2007

Another Week Another Republican Conviction

Coming up on this week's show:
  • Private Security Firms Recruiting Strangely
  • Mike Ness Goes Lounge
  • God Makes You Violent
  • God Makes You Scared of Violence
  • Much Much More?

I was thinking about the Anti-Abortion people and how they're defeating their own purpose. If they let all the people who don't share their views, not pass those values down to their offspring by allowing them to not have offspring, while they breed like christian rabbits, eventually abortion will become a moot point.

Which reminded me of Eugenics in general and a strange fact about the Bush family. Our President's grandfather, Prescott Bush, was one of the key proponents of Planned Parenthood back in its early days. Why? Was Prescott Bush a social progressive? No. He wanted to make sure that lower classes and minorities didn't breed. He supported reproductive health in exactly the way his grandson doesn't just because he believed in Eugenics.

Politics makes strange bedfellows, eh?

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